Big ROI with a Box of Sunshine

Basket of Joy Wear Your Spirit Warehouse

Get the most out of your marketing dollars with a Box of Sunshine! If your marketing budget isn’t unlimited, then, the success and growth of your organization depend on how effectively you utilize the available resources.

At Wear Your Spirit Warehouse, we believe strongly in the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule. When applied to business, 80% of your revenue usually comes from 20% of your customers.

So, if that’s true, we need to do two things. First, we must study our best customers to find what makes them special or unique. And second, we need to cultivate relationships with those customers.

Learn About Your Customers

Who are your best customers? What are their demographics? What niche do they serve? Why do you love working with them? Learn all you can about them.

With that information in hand, you can target the next group of 10, 15, or 25 potential customers that match those essential characteristics. You are building your customer base.

Send those potential customers a box of sunshine with their logo on it. Introduce yourself, tell them why you admire what they do and that you’d love to work with them. This is not a hard sell. It is just an invitation to connect and get on their radar. Show your genuine admiration. Build the connection. Chances are, they’ll remember you, and when they’re ready, you’ll get that phone call or that message popping up in your inbox.

Build and Sustain the Relationship

Once you have made that connection, take care of your best customers. This requires a focus on building and sustaining the relationship. Reach out to them to check up on them without trying to sell them anything.

One of the things we recommend is to send your best customers “a box of sunshine” periodically. Have us create a unique gift just for them. It could be as simple as a special gift box that includes an inspirational message paired with their logo.
Again, you’re not selling them anything. It’s building your relationship. It can be a slow game, but they will remember exactly who sent them that gift without expecting anything in return.

When you’ve identified the customers you want, go back to that first tip and use it to your advantage again and again. Keep building relationships, and soon that Pareto Principle will blossom for you too.

Need Help With A Box Of Sunshine?

Wear Your Spirit Warehouse makes sending appreciation gifts to your customers (or potential customers) easy. We’ll set up an internal company store where you’ll pre-select your favorite branded gift items. Then, when you want to send a box of sunshine, you’ll place an order that we’ll produce, pack, and deliver or ship out on your behalf. You can even give us note cards to write personal messages.

When you love someone, you send flowers. When you’re grateful for a business relationship, you send them a box of sunshine.
Our Box of Sunshine is one of the very best ways to get the biggest return on your precious marketing dollars. Contact us today to get started sharing your own Box of Sunshine 😊.